1 minNew Resources Available To Rockingham Farmowners PLUS Agents!As part of our commitment to continuous improvement, we have developed two new tools to streamline your workflow and facilitate smoother...
1 minEasily Access Premium BreakdownsTax season is upon us! If you need to access a premium breakdown for your clients, you can do so in the Change Summary instead of...
1 minSpectrum Submission Process SimplifiedStill adjusting to Spectrum for policy administration? We’ve got you covered with a step-by-step guide to successful and accurate...
1 minSpectrum is Live!Raterock is inactive going forward for Rockingham Farmowners PLUS. Spectrum is your new dashboard where you can view clients, policies,...
1 minForms Library AccessPolicy forms are found in Spectrum. As you login to Spectrum, the top left widget, Spectrum Explorer, will have a Reports/Forms link, or...
1 minHow to Track Past Due PaymentsPast due payments are shown in a widget on the Spectrum Explorer main page. A tutorial video is in the works to show you exactly how to...