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Dear Member,

Thank you for choosing Rockingham as your insurance provider. By insuring with Rockingham, you become a member of the Rockingham Mutual Group, Inc. and are eligible for a single vote at membership meetings for each policy that you have in effect with the company.

In the event you do not plan to attend membership meetings, we encourage you to participate by proxy, which appoints the company's Board of Directors, or someone you name, to represent you at the meetings. At the bottom of this webpage is a proxy form. Please sign, date, and submit to cast your vote.


Proxies are valid for fifteen months and will be in effect until they expire or are replaced with a new proxy. Proxies can be voided by you at any time prior to a meeting. You will receive a proxy for each policy insured with Rockingham Mutual Group, lnc .... please submit a vote for each one!

You are entitled to, and we encourage you, to submit a proxy vote for each policy.


The annual meeting of members will be held no later than April 30 of each year at a date, time, and place that will be announced by newspaper prior to the meeting. The business to be conducted at the annual meeting will include a review of annual reports, election of directors, and any other business, which may properly come before the meeting. Special meetings of members may be called at any time, pursuant to the by-laws, and those meetings will be for specific purposes set forth in the notice of such meetings.

As a member of Rockingham Mutual Group, Inc., I appoint the company’s Board of Directors (acting under such procedures as it deems appropriate) or, if I designate someone here instead of the Board, as my true and lawful attorney and proxy to attend and represent me at all meetings, annual, regular, or special of the members of Rockingham Mutual Group, Inc. which may be held between the date hereof and fifteen months after such date and for and on my behalf to vote on any question, proposition, amendment, merger, resolution, or any other matter or thing which may come before any of such meetings, or any adjournment or adjournments thereof, with full power to vote and act for me to the same extent that I might were I personally present, and hereby grant unto said attorney full power of substitution and revocation, hereby confirming all that said attorney and proxy shall do by virtue hereof.


The proxy holder, at its discretion, may also cast any votes I am entitled to cast for policies other than the one identified above.

I would like to appoint ___________ by proxy.

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Thanks for submitting!

Proxy Form:

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